
While Your Lips Are Still Red


Преди време писах за това как новите парчета на Таря Турунен всъщност повече се доближават до стила на Nightwish. Все още смятам, че това е така, предвид че онова квичащото все още е в групата. После чух това парче, което е bonus track към албума Amaranth. Парче, изпълнявано от Марко. Много добро. И… не знам за устните, но While they still have fans, трябва да изгонят Анет и да правят музика, която Марко да пее…

Nightwish – While Your Lips Are Still Red
Album – Amaranth, bonus track

Sweet little words made for silence
Not so young, heartfelt love not heartache
Dark hair fall, catch in the wind
Light the way, the sight of a cold world

While your lips are still red
While he’s still in silent rest
While bosom is still untouched
Unveiled on another hair
While the hand’s still without a tool
Drown into eyes while they’re still blind
Love while the night still hides the withering dawn

First day of love never comes back
Compassion, its power’s never a wasted wrong
The violin, the poet’s hand
Every thawing heart plays your theme with care

While your lips are still red
While he’s still in silent rest
While bosom is still untouched
Unveiled on another hair
While the hand’s still without a tool
Drown into eyes while they’re still blind
Love while the night still hides the withering dawn

While your lips are still red
While he’s still in silent rest
While bosom is still untouched
Unveiled on another hair
While the hand’s still without a tool
Drown into eyes while they’re still blind
Love while the night still hides the withering dawn

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